Important Notice

Explanation about the resumption of LRT service after typhoons

Released Date : 09/09/2024 20:17
Most of the Macau LRT facilities are exposed to the outdoor environment and are easily damaged by foreign objects during severe weather conditions such as typhoons. Therefore, whenever typhoon signal No. 8 or above is issued in Macau, for passenger safety, the Macao Light Rapid Transit Corporation, Limited (“MLM”) has to suspend all LRT train services and close all LRT stations.

For the safety of the staff, only when typhoon signal No.8 is officially removed and typhoon signal No.3 is issued, MLM can immediately send its staff to inspect the system and equipment. In particular, engineering vehicles must be arranged to inspect the whole track to ensure no obstacles along the whole line. After the inspection is completed and no abnormality is found, MLM will immediately announce the information of service resumption to the public and arrange the operation of LRT trains at the same time. According to previous experience of inspections after typhoons, the entire Taipa Line has to take at least two hours to inspect if no damage occurs. 

MLM will announce the arrangement of service under severe weather conditions on its website. In response to feedback on the LRT's service resumption after typhoon “Yagi”, MLM will review its current information dissemination efforts to make our information on service suspension and resumption more readily available to passengers.